In the middle sixties, some very farsighted individuals realised the need and the benefit which could be derived from uniting all the Gem and Mineral Clubs / Societies in South Africa at the time, into a Federation.
This Federation, when founded would elect office bearers and appoint various committees who would be entrusted with the task of carrying out the wishes of the collective Clubs and Societies affiliated to the Federation.
FOSAGAMS was then duly formed in Kimberley on the 3rd September 1966. The aims and objects of FOSAGAMS are to assist in the formation of Earth Science Clubs and Societies and, to promote the hobby of lapidary art and mineral collecting and all its associated fields.
South African Gem and Mineral Magazine
Publication of the 'Southern African Gems and Minerals' magazine (formerly 'The South African Lapidary Magazine'), three issues per-annum
Southern African Gemborees
On a roster, Clubs are involved in organising the annual Easter GEMBOREE in different parts of Southern Africa. This GEMBOREE brings together members of Clubs from all corners of Southern Africa, to partake in field trips and social events.
National Gem & Mineral Shows
In the past, National Gem and Mineral Shows have been held at annual and bi-annual intervals, also being organised by specific Clubs in the major centers. In the late nineties, organisational problems were encountered which has somewhat curtailed this activity.
Extended Rockhound Tours
“Extended Rockhound Tours“ have been held at irregular intervals, lasting anything from two to five weeks, with up to 66 participants on one tour. Today the number of participants is limited to between 24 and 40.
To bring about close association between the earth science societies of Southern Africa as well as to co-operate, and possibly affiliate, with similar federations globally.
To organise, through members, national events and other activities for the benefit of members and the public.
To co-operate with state departments and other organisations in order to promote interest in the mineral resources of Southern Africa, and related disciplines.